Abundance or scarcity?

  • Are you in changing times?
  • Are opportunities abundant or scarce?
  • How aware are you of how this mindset changes your responses?

Here, red10 ‘s Will Sudworth – with curated AI assistance – shares his take on the classic psychology of “abundance vs scarcity” mindset.

Are you in a time of change?

Are you […]

2024-10-03T11:45:46+01:00October 3rd, 2024|Categories: Growth mindset, Red Letter|Tags: |

Growth mindset

• Heard of Growth Mindset in education or at work?
• Do you have a FIXED or GROWTH mindset on your biggest challenge?
• Know these two small words – YET & GET – can transform the way you perceive a problem?

Here, red10 ‘s Lisa Smith gives a red10 intro to Carol Dweck’s […]

2024-10-02T07:58:58+01:00September 5th, 2024|Categories: Growth mindset, Mini Masterclasses, Skills|
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