• How comfortable is your team?
  • Seen the research on Psychological Safety as a key ingredient for team performance?
  • Want even higher levels of innovation and creativity?

Here, red10 ‘s Rachel Nuttall describes our interactive and highly informative Psychological Safety Skill Class.  One of the suite of red10 ‘s  mini masterclasses.

Our Mini Class on “Creating Psychological Safety in your Teams”

  • Need to understand what it means and how you can build more of it in the teams you’re part of?
  • Want to understand how to increase intellectual friction in your teams – leading to better outcomes, better solutions, whilst decreasing social friction – want to know more?
  • Want to better understand how high levels of psychological safety in your team leads to a candid and engaging place to be – it’s not about creating a nicer of softer place to be.

This is one of the suite of Mini Sessions. We’ve found them to be really popular and very useful for anybody in an organisational setting, whether you’re an employee and part of a team or whether you’re a manager, leader or more senior supervisor of a team.

Each of our masterclass sessions follow the same format. We always open with welcome and an introduction and settle people into the room. We share the aims and objectives of this specific session.

An opening question to excite interest

We ask a question to excite interest.

As this is in a small group, we have an opportunity to work with just a few of our colleagues on the workshop and really get under the skin of what the topic might be about.

After that, we then teach the content, the main model or the tool for that session.

Following the teaching part, we have an application:

  • How do we apply that to our own experience?
  • How do we apply it to our own need?

And once we’ve done some application of the learning, we always try and take action or encourage you to make a commitment to take action before we close the session.

So all our sessions follow that format and this is no exception.

This particular workshop…

Specifically, this particular workshop looks at how managers and leaders can build higher level of psychological safety in the team.

What is psychological safety?

Dr. Amy Edmonson, the Harvard Business School professor who coined the phrase, Psychological Safety, defines it as “a belief that on will not punished or humiliated for speaking up ideas, questions, concerns or mistakes.”

Her research in Project Aristotle pointed to Psychological Safety being a critical factor for high performing teams. The most successful teams were those who were comfortable being themselves. High levels of Psychological Safety meant that individuals felt safe to take calculated risks and bring new ideas, opinions and solutions to the table.

How do we build psychological safety?

In the workshop we explore a model by Tim Clake which at its heart explore how increasing levels of respect and permission to participate within a team, can lead to increasing levels of Psychological Safety.

We dive into the 4 steps needed to build Psychological Safety in teams:

  • From satisfying the basic need in us humans to feel safe to be included and accepted
  • Onto to the need to feel safe to learn and grow and make mistakes.
  • In Step 3 we look at how we then need to feel safe to contribute , to throwing in our ideas, to making suggestions. This itself is a more challenging place to be, it’s where we volunteer our own ideas and in turn, can make us feel a little more vulnerable. True innovation within teams happens though when teams reach the levels of psychological safety.
  • In step 4, Challenger Safety – where individuals and teams can question others, can alter plans, build on each other’s ideas, innovate and create new ways of working.

Where are you with the teams you lead and interact with?

We will be at different stages with the different teams we interact with, and with individuals we interact with. This session will help you to identify what action you can take – as either a leader to a team member to build higher levels of Psychological Safety
So, if you’re looking for something to participate in that is highly interactive and highly informative, then this session on “Psychological Safety” could be exactly what you’re looking for.